About the Parish Council

About the Parish Council

Contact details for the Stambourne Parish Council //

Parish Councillors

Contact details for some of the members of Stambourne Parish Council are below:

  • Neil Pyman — Tel: 01440 785 709 (Chairman)
  • Andrew Drysdale — Tel: 01440 785 156 (Vice Chairman/Tree Warden)
  • Michael Crago — Tel: 01440 785 288 (Emergency Plan)
  • Martyn Fall — Tel: 01440 785 289
  • Karen Grant — Tel: 01440 788 961 (Footpaths)
  • Val Kerrison — Tel: 01440 785 752 (Church Warden)
  • Vanessa Young — Tel: 01440 785 122 (Village Hall Representative)
  • Debbie Hilliard — Tel: 01440 785 629; debbiehilliard614@gmail.com (Parish Clerk)

Meeting dates

Click to view the Stambourne Parish Council meeting dates for 2024 »

Want to hire the Village Hall or Playing Field / Pavilion?