Stambourne and the surrounding areas have many footpaths and bridleways for people to explore and enjoy.
Do you enjoy going for walks in the countryside? Then put your wellies on, and start planning your route using the Ordnance Survey map below, which shows the footpaths and bridleways around Stambourne village. Do you have a favourite route? Let us know where you like to walk!

Please remember to take any litter home with you and keep your dogs under control. Even better, why not pick up any litter others have dropped and pop it in a bin!
Key to the map:

You can scroll around the map to view other areas

The Parish Council can report maintenance issues to Essex County Council, who are responsible for ensuring access and safety for things such as footbridges.
Footpaths and Highways
Stambourne Parish Council
We continue to monitor the state of highways and paths in the parish. If you notice a problem please let us know or you can report it direct to Essex County Council via their website at Photos are always useful as evidence of the problem.