Digital version of the August-September 2021 Stambourne Newsletter, the bi-monthly printed newsletter published and distributed by Stambourne Parish Council – No: 263
In this issue:
The latest meeting of the Parish Council took place on Thursday 22 July 2021 at 7.30pm. With the lifting of Covid restrictions meetings have returned to face-to-face in the Village Hall.
The Pavilion has been cleaned and cleared and is ready for use again. There are some items on the veranda, which will shortly be taken to the recycling centre. The Parish Council are looking into having a new floor in the main hall and repainting.

Playing Field
The Playing Field continues to be used by many people and Michael is doing a great job cutting the grass and keeping it tidy throughout the summer.
Our local roads appear to be in good order and verge cutting has taken place. If you notice any highways issues, please let me know or report them to Essex County Council direct at
Public Rights Of Ways across the parish continue to be well used by walkers. Again, any issues can be passed on to me or direct to Essex County Council. There are a couple of issues with footbridges which have been reported to Essex County Council, please take care if you are using these bridges.
The next meeting will take place on Thursday, 16th September 2021 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.
Full minutes are available on the village website:
Debbie Hilliard, Parish Clerk, 01440 785 629
As from 19th July, there have been some slight changes to Covid arrangements in the Church. These are in keeping with other Churches in our deanery and for the next few weeks:
- Face masks to be worn when moving around in Church and when seated until further notice.
- Use hand sanitiser on entry.
- Keep your distance and be mindful of those who are vulnerable.
- Singing is allowed but masks must be worn.
- Stay at home if you have Covid symptoms, have tested positive or have been asked to isolate.

All arrangements may be subject to change based on further guidance from the Government and the Church of England. Anyone wishing to take a more cautious approach to face masks or social distancing is welcome to do so, and those choices must be respected by everyone.
On a lighter note, a BIG THANK YOU to those who attended the cream tea on 7th July and for those who helped in any way. A very successful afternoon in the sun and great to chat to our neighbours whom we may not have seen for a while! We would like to repeat the event on 22nd August. Come along for tea, scones and a chat. ALL WELCOME!
Date | Time | Service | |
1st August | 9.30am | Morning Prayer | Dave Brown |
8th August | 9.30am | Holy Communion | Rev. Liz Paxton |
5th September | 9.30am | Morning Prayer | Dave Brown |
12th September | 9.30am | Holy Communion | Rev. Liz Paxton |
3rd October | 9.30am | Morning Prayer | Dave Brown |
10th October | 9.30am | Holy Communion | Rev. Liz Paxton |
Val Kerrison, Churchwarden, 01440 785 752 or 07879 816 362
Well, is it summer, or not? I started this article a couple of weeks ago in the blazing sunshine and am finishing it a couple of days before the deadline and it’s distinctly chilly, blowy, windy and rather dark (at 4pm!).
The recent sun reminded me of one of Aesop’s Fables that I read when I was young. In the fable of The Wind and the Sun, the wind and the sun decide to have a competition to see who is the strongest. To prove this feat they agreed that the winner will be whoever can get a man walking in the countryside to take off his coat. The wind goes first and blows and blows and blows, but to no avail. The harder the wind blows, the tighter the man holds on to his coat. The sun then has his go, and the sun makes the weather warmer and warmer, until the man eventually takes off his coat. The moral of the fable is that persuasion is better than force.
In the Bible the sun is sometimes used as an image of God. In the Book of Psalms its says ‘For the LORD God is a sun and shield; he bestows favour and honour. Before the electric lightbulb, the sun provided light for people to see and to work; the dark of the night was something to be feared. The sun also provides warmth which is associated with comfort and security. God’s power provides us with comfort and security.
Indeed, God, like the sun, lights the path for us showing where we should go and provides us with the light of hope that dispels fear and worry; God provides us with the light of the spirit that brings us comfort and security.

There is also a question and a challenge for us too. Are we like suns to those around us? Do we provide others with warmth, direction, and security? Or are we like the wind in Aesop’s fable? Do we try and get our own way, at whatever the cost?
In one of his parables Jesus calls us to be like a bright city on a hill, providing people with hope, with guidance and with love. Then, and only then, can we ‘shine like the sun in the kingdom of our Father’ (Matt 13:43).
I hope that over the later summer, as we all enjoy some nice sunny weather, we can all take some time to think about how ‘sunny’ we are to others, and about those things that we can do to provide warmth, security and confidence to all those around us.

Cream teas at the Church
I do hope to see some of you at the Stambourne Cream Teas on Sunday, 22nd August at 3pm, at the church of St Peter and St Thomas.
Rev. Liz Paxton, Rector
The Benefice of the Hedinghams and Upper Colne
07932 160 594 or 01787 277 270
News from the Chapel
First I want to say thank you to all who came to our book and cake sale (where we had some bric-a-brac too). About £380 was received and this will contribute to the work of Stambourne Chapel Care, our service to the community for supporting people in their time of need, and our building project. This project aims to provide toilets at the front of the building which will enable to use the kitchen for things like our regular monthly meals, our Christmas dinner and other shared meal activities. These are currently on hold because we don’t meet kitchen hygiene regulations until we move the toilet.

So we are planning several more events over the coming months including another book/cake and bric-a-brac sale with a raffle on 21st August from 10am to 12pm. This will outdoors again as we continue to observe care for each other regarding the virus.
There will be also be a sponsored cycle ride round the villages that we support. It’s about 50 miles in all and takes us through the lanes from Chapel to Braintree, to Halstead, and then across to Haverhill effectively encompassing all the people who currently regularly attend Chapel. If you would like to ride to raise money or would like to sponsor a rider please let our secretary, Jill, know. Details at the end of this article!
Jill Holmes is also our Community Worker and coordinates our volunteers who provide lots of support to people. These include Advocacy, Befriending, Advice, Signposting to other agencies, Shopping, and collecting prescriptions.
We have four volunteers and have supported a lot of people over the last six months. If you know of anyone with a need, or who is struggling, we have contacts with relevant agencies and organisations who can help. We can stand by people through difficult times and support them through changes in living arrangements, illness, mental health issues and conflict.
We are here to be friends, advocates, to support people and to liaise with Social Services, doctors, and other organisations to ensure people get what is needed to live the best lives possible.

If you or someone you know is looking for advice or support, please do not hesitate to contact us or, if you would like to volunteer with us, the details are:
Jill Holmes, Secretary and care worker,, 07883 423 528
Also visit Stambourne Chapel on Facebook.
So that is our news! We are meeting now on Sundays at 10.45am for worship, taking appropriate precautions in these strange times. Looks like holidays are going to be difficult again, so we hope you will all be able to keep fit and healthy and have some form of a rest through this summer time.
Every blessing,
Adrian Burr, Minister
Day | Activity |
Sunday | Sunday Services 10.45am in the Chapel, but if you can’t come and would like a printed version we will be happy to deliver or email a copy each week. |
Tuesday & Thursday | Coffee morning 10am – 12pm. The Chapel is open for a chat and coffee and for a time of private chat and for prayer, though with Covid restrictions in place. |
Tuesday evening | Band practice From 7.30pm our band practices their songs. You are welcome to come along and listen or sing along with us. If you play an instrument we would love to share with you! Let us know you are coming on the phone numbers below. |
Wednesday | Wednesday Club 10am – 2.30pm. For vulnerable people. Move It or Lose It Exercises in the Chapel have been put on hold until September. Watch this space! Wednesday Social 7pm. We meet to chat on Zoom – call for details and come and join us. |
EVENTS for August, September and October
Date | Activity |
21st August | August Book & Cake Sale with Raffle 10am – 12pm. |
14th September | MS Trust Coffee on the Lawn 10am start. |
15th October | Macmillan’s BIG coffee morning 10am – 4pm. |
The Chapel prays regularly for many people, but sometimes you may feel a need for an urgent prayer as you face some difficult situation, or in need of comfort or strength to face life’s ups and downs. Please call either Adrian or Margaret, or just drop a prayer request note through the Chapel post box. We don’t need a name or details, but promise we will pray for whatever you feel able to share.
Adrian Burr, Minister,,
07983 656 166
Margaret Mead, Secretary & prayer request,,
07561 283 587
Jill Holmes, Project Lead & Stambourne Chapel Care,, 07883 423 528
Find us on Facebook: Stambourne Chapel or Stambourne Chapel Care
Village Hall Committee
We had our first meeting for more than eighteen months on 14th July.
We discussed the Hall and things that had been achieved during this strange time.

- We managed to get grands for some new tables and a new oven.
- We have painted the inside and cleared out rubbish.
- The outside drains and runaways have been repaired.
- The outside rendering is being done.
- We also now have broadband in the Hall.
- We have bowling mats and bowls as well as a ping pong table.
Thank you to Lois for the lovely hanging basket at the front of the Hall.
Mr Michael Pyman who had been on the committee for 62 years has handed in his notice. We thank him for his dedication over the years and wish him well.
We now need new people to join our committee. Our next meeting will be in the Hall on 22nd September 2021 at 5.30pm, so please come along.
Recycling bags
Don’t forget: if you need recycling bags, ring Cath on 01440 785 678 or Sian on 07505 355 944 to arrange collection, or they can be delivered.
See the current Recycling calendar.

This is fortnightly on Wednesdays at 6.30pm. The next Bingo night is on 4th August 2021.

Hall available for hire again
- For residents: £8 per hour
- For non-residents: £10 per hour
To hire the Hall, ring Rosemary on 01440 785 339. More info »

Silver Link Club
We are starting up on again on 3rd August 2021 after lockdown and we have moved to Stambourne Chapel from 2pm to 4pm every two weeks.
Meeting dates are: 3rd August, 17th August, 31st August, 14th September, 28th September, 12th October, 26th October.

Stambourne Ladies Group »
After a quiet time during lockdown, we enjoyed a couple of get-togethers outside the Pavilion in June and July. It was a real tonic to see everyone again and, to cap it all, the sun shone.
During August, we have a couple of outings planned (please contact Vicky for details). On 15th September (a year late) we’re having a fish ‘n’ chip supper at the Pavilion. “Chippy’s” have held their prices from last year and will be delivering our order at 6.30pm. Veg options available. This will be followed home made crumble, custard and cream. The cost is £6.50 to pay-as-go members & guests and free to members. Keep an eye on WhatsApp, email and text for updates.
If you’d like to know more than please contact Vicky on 07908 099 904 or Lorna on 07980 922 636.
Stambourne Jumble Sale
A Jumble Sale is planned for Saturday, 11th September 2021 12pm – 3pm at the Village Hall. ALL WELCOME! Admission: 50p. Tea and coffee available.
Please contact Sian Davies-Hatton (07505 355 994) or Lesley Scolley (07889 745 180) for local pick-up / drop-off in advance. Or drop jumble off at the Village Hall on the morning of the sale.

Stambourne Mobile Library
The mobile library visits Stambourne Village Hall every third week on Wednesdays between 10.05 am and 10.35am.
The dates of the next visits are: 18th August 2021, 8th September 2021, 29th September 2021, 20th October 2021 and 10th November 2021.
Finchingfield Library
Finchingfield Guildhall on Church Hill is home to the volunteer run village library and has been in operation since 1955.
We have an extensive stock and spoken word section available and can also order in books and spoken word books of your choice.
We have a dedicated children’s area, with a wide choice of fiction and non-fiction books and a few spoken word books for under one year olds to young adults. The Summer Reading Challenge is proving very popular with the children again this year and there is still time to sign up before the end of the holidays.
Members have full use of a laptop with internet connection. Also there is an A3 printer/ scanner/ photocopier facility available for a small charge.

If anyone is interested in becoming a library member or joining our team of volunteers then please come in and have a word with us. We can sign you up and issue you with an ECC library card there and then for free, just bring proof of identity with you.
We are open on Saturdays, 10.30am – 12.30pm and 2 – 4pm; Wednesdays 10.30am – 12.30pm (until September). Once the school term has started, with effect from Wednesday, 8th September, opening will change to 2 – 4pm.
At the library we are a distribution point for the Braintree District Council recycling sacks and we also have a box for recycling old batteries.
For further information please contact Linda Turner, on 01371 810 542 or email

Stambourne Newsletter
Ideas and contributions for the next newsletter to Karen Crago at or the post box at Tagley Farm by Friday, 24th September 2021.
Thank you.

Download the Stambourne Newsletter as PDF
This document is now available for download by clicking the link below:
Buy us a coffee! ☕

For over 15 years the Stambourne website has been entirely funded by one single person. Now we are asking for a small token donation, to keep things running smoothly. If you find value in our website and in what it offers, consider buying us a virtual coffee ☕
Use the button below to make a contribution, however small, to the upkeep and running costs. We would be immensely grateful for the support. Thank you! And cheers!
Click here for other ways to support the Stambourne website »
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