Digital version of the June-July 2020 Stambourne Newsletter, the bi-monthly printed newsletter published and distributed by Stambourne Parish Council – No: 257
In this issue:
Coronavirus and the subsequent lockdown has impacted all of us in many different ways. It has been lovely to see many of you working together and looking out for each other during a very difficult time.
The pandemic has meant that our normal schedule of meetings has been suspended but we have recently been able to hold a virtual meeting via Zoom on 4th June 2020.
We were joined by both our Braintree District Councillor, Richard van Dulken and Essex County Councillor, David Finch.
Martyn Fall has been a Parish Councillor and Chair of the Parish Council for many years and although he will remain on the Parish Council, he gave notice that he will no longer stand for election as Chair. Martyn has made a great contribution over many years and we all thank him for his service. I can report that Neil Pyman was duly nominated and elected as Chair of the Parish Council with Andrew Drysdale as Vice-Chair. Our other Parish Councillors are Martyn Fall, Karen Grant, Michael Crago, Vanessa Young and Val Kerrison.
Pavilion and Playing Field
The Playing Field has been re-opened, although at the moment vehicular access is restricted. The bins were overflowing as the District Council collections have been limited. These have now been emptied. There are a couple of projects on the Playing Field and Pavilion which remain outstanding due to the pandemic. These will be completed as soon as possible when we revert back to normal conditions.
Essex County Council have completed some bridge repairs and hedge cutting which were reported to us, keeping the paths in good condition for everyone to use.
The Parish Council accounts for the year ended 31 March 2020 have now been completed and sent to the internal auditor. Once approved they will be sent to the external auditor. Again, this has been hugely impacted by the pandemic with the Government extending the deadlines for return of accounts to 31 July.
Dates of Meetings
The Parish Council have had to re-organise its normal calendar of meetings due to Coronavirus.
The next meeting will take place on Thursday, 17th September 2020.
It is hoped that by this time we will be able to revert to meetings in the village hall, but will keep the situation under review. If meetings are held virtually by Zoom members of the public are still able to attend but will need to contact me to arrange attendance.
Full minutes are available on
Debbie Hilliard, Parish Clerk, 01440 785 629
News from the Chapel
You may have noticed the sign outside the Chapel as shown…
This reflects the fact that church, like a country, a town, or a village is not made of just buildings, fittings and fixtures, but of people. And as they find out in countries where the church is persecuted, knocking down the building does not close the church! And so it is in these current times. The Church that normally gathers on a Sunday morning is as active as ever. Some are self-isolating, but that doesn’t mean they are not being helpful to others around them. A friendly telephone call and making sure someone is safe and well can be a life saver!
Church more than ever is an organisation designed for those who do not belong. It is for those who can be helped, supported, and encouraged. It provides peace and prayer and healing and comfort, and in times like these it provides hands and feet on the ground trying to look after those around. So some of our number are NHS volunteers, some are helping those who are in self isolation, others are providing telephone support and still others have organised the plant sale which was a real blessing to many and raised over £300 to support people who are in need during this pandemic. So if you have a skill you can offer we would like to hear from you. Some skills we seek are for computer abilities to make YouTube videos and web sites. There are various other things we are looking for – give us a call and we will discuss!
So you see, above all, we are not closed! And the building will gradually and slowly come back into use over the coming months. We won’t have large gatherings for several months yet, but we may have smaller numbers, socially distanced. And this month we offer a space to pray and talk over issues for individuals, sometimes outside (weather permitting) but at other times distanced inside and with days between visits. Above all we are sticking to the government guidelines, unclear as they are, as best we can. So do give me call – I would love to hear how you are getting on!
Every blessing,
Adrian Burr, Minister
Sunday Service is delivered with a mixture of Facebook, YouTube and printed scripts for those who cannot access the emailed version. We meet together but apart on Sunday mornings at 10.45am.
We meet to chat on Zoom on Wednesday evenings — call for details and come and join us.
The Chapel prays regularly for many people, but sometimes you may feel a need for an urgent prayer as you face some difficult situation, or are in need of comfort or strength to face life’s ups and downs. Please call either Adrian or Margaret, or just drop a prayer request note through the Chapel post box. We don’t need a name or details, but promise we will pray for whatever you feel able to share.
Adrian Burr, Minister,,
07983 656 166
Margaret Mead, Secretary & prayer request,,
07561 283 587
Jill Holmes, Project Lead & Stambourne Chapel Care,, 07883 423 528
Find us on Facebook: Stambourne Chapel or Stambourne Chapel Care
I hope all of you are keeping well and safe throughout this difficult time?
I have been seeing some of you on my daily walk, jog or cycle ride around the village. Having the warm, sunny days have made things a bit easier to cope with the lockdown.
As yet there has been no definite decision as to when places of worship can fully re-open. As soon as I hear anything a notice will be placed on the Church notice board.
Rev. Liz Paxton, with the help of various congregation members from the Benefice, has been delivering a Sunday service via YouTube, for those who have access to this.
Sadly, Rev. Liz officiated at a graveside funeral on Friday 29th May to lay to rest Peter George Yaxley who died on 8th May.
Our prayers and thoughts are with his daughter and family at this very difficult time.

I will close my very short report by thanking Ian, David & Richard for taking it in turn to ring the Church bells for two minutes at 6pm every evening since the start of lockdown, as a message of faith, hope and solidarity. A very touching tribute.
Val Kerrison, Churchwarden, 01440 785 752 or 07879 816 362
The process is now underway to discern who God is calling to be the next Bishop of Chelmsford. As part of this process, a diocese wide consultation is now open.
Submissions are welcome from churches, groups and individuals until 4th July. A group discussion will be organised in our parish soon, so that we can give the views of our church community.
Please use the framework below to share your view and send to
The discussion will inform a submission to the consultation on behalf of our churches. Submissions are also welcome from Individuals directly on the Diocesan website if you prefer.
If you are emailing your consultation response, please try to structure your response using the following questions:
- Can you tell us what you value most about the Church in your community as well as across Essex and East London?
- What challenges does the Church face in East London and Essex as we seek to share the Good News of Jesus?
- What wider issues would you like our next Bishop of Chelmsford to be passionate about?
- What qualities, skills or leadership characteristics will our next Bishop of Chelmsford require?
- What kind of person will our next Bishop of Chelmsford need to be (particularly as we emerge from the coronavirus pandemic)?
- What else would you like to tell us?
The Appointment Secretaries for the Archbishops and the Prime Minister will also be holding meetings at the end of June and beginning of July with representatives of the Church and the communities we serve to hear people’s views to inform their advice to the Crown Nominations Commission.
I look forward to hearing your views and passing them on to the Diocese of Chelmsford.
Rev. Liz Paxton, Rector
The Benefice of the Hedinghams and Upper Colne
07932 160 594 or 01787 277 270
Stambourne Village Hall
All regular activities in the Village Hall have been suspended and the hall closed.

Silver Link Club
Silver Link is cancelled until further notice.

Let’s get started
This now takes place every week on Tuesday’s at 6pm via ZOOM. For details of how to take part in these fun workouts contact Lara on 07471 105210.

Homemade deliveries
OZES are offering a made to order range of homemade pies, pasties, plaits, flans, pastries and cakes for home delivery to your door. Please order by / on Wednesdays of each week. Orders will be delivered on Fridays / Saturdays.
All the best, stay safe, Zoe
Contact: Tel: 01440 785778 or call / text 07740723057

Stambourne Ladies Group
Hi Ladies,
Just a reminder that we have a great SLG network through email and WhatsApp should you need help with anything.
It’s doubtful we will be meeting this year but we’re already working towards 2021 bookings and of course funds paid for membership will be held over to next year.

Create a Miniature Garden
Entries are welcome from adults and children!
Just WhatsApp or email your submission and let the judging begin!
Submissions to Vicky via:
• SLG WhatsApp
• WhatsApp +44 7778 410376, or
• Email:
by 17th July latest.
A sample garden is shown below:

Scarecrow competition
The scarecrow competition over the VE Day weekend was a great success.
There were many imaginative displays around the village and combined with the lovely summery weather they added interest and fun to everyone’s daily exercise!
The winners of the competition were Barry and Carol Morgan.
See the full gallery here.

Please remember when placing and hunting for these stones to ensure that you keep to official footpaths and follow the countryside code.
- Enjoy the outdoors
- Plan ahead, check what facilities are open, be prepared
- Follow advice and local signs and obey social distancing measures
- The Countryside Code
- Respect other people
- Consider the local community and other people enjoying the outdoors
- Park carefully so access to gateways and driveways are clear
- Leave gates and property as you find them
- Follow paths but give way to others where it’s narrow
- Protect the natural environment
- Leave no trace of your visit, take all your litter home
- Don’t have BBQs or fires
- Keep dogs under effective control
- Dog poo-bag it and bin it
Enjoy, be safe
Stambourne Newsletter
Ideas and contributions for the next newsletter to Karen Crago at or the post box at Tagley Farm by Thursday 24th September 2020.
Thank you.

Download the Stambourne Newsletter as PDF
This document is now available for download by clicking the link below:
Buy us a coffee! ☕

For over 15 years the Stambourne website has been entirely funded by one single person. Now we are asking for a small token donation, to keep things running smoothly. If you find value in our website and in what it offers, consider buying us a virtual coffee ☕
Use the button below to make a contribution, however small, to the upkeep and running costs. We would be immensely grateful for the support. Thank you! And cheers!
Click here for other ways to support the Stambourne website »
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