Digital version of the October-November 2019 Stambourne Newsletter, the bi-monthly printed newsletter published and distributed by Stambourne Parish Council – No: 253
In this issue:
The latest meeting of the Parish Council took place on Thursday 19th September 2019 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. We were pleased to welcome our District Councillor, Richard Van Dulken.
The refurbishment of the kitchen is now complete. This work would not have been possible without the bequest of the late Mr Wright, long-time resident of the village and Essex County Council CIF fund. A plaque has been installed in recognition of Mr Wright’s contribution.
Playing Field
Mr Keith Hoadly who has for many years cut the grass on the playing field has decided to retire. I think we can all agree he has done a great job over many years. Thank you, Keith for everything.
If you come across any footpath issues in the parish which need attention please let Debbie Hilliard know – even better if you are able to take a photo and send an email to her (see email below).
You may already be aware that the planning application regarding the land at Chapel End Way was considered by Braintree District Council and refused.
The Parish Council accounts for the year 2018-19 have been externally audited and agreed. All parish finances can be viewed in the minutes and agendas which are available on the Stambourne website
The next meeting is on Thursday 21st November 2019 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.
Debbie Hilliard, Parish Clerk, 01440 785 629
A date for your diary: Saturday 2nd November 2019

Essex County Council has now agreed its Future Library Services Strategy 2019-2024. It has made significant changes to its original plans and is now committed to not closing any libraries over the next 5 years. You can read the full strategy document at:

New vicar in town!
Rev. Liz Paxton, Rector of the Hedinghams and Upper Colne benefice, is very pleased to announce that we have a new Parish Priest starting in October 2019 who will be helping in the team ministry across the Benefice (the group of churches including Castle and Sible Hedingham, Great and Little Yeldham, Tilbury- Juxta-Clare, Toppesfield and Stambourne). Rev. Justin will join the ministry team and he and his family will be living in the Rectory in Great Yeldham. If you see him out and about in the villages please introduce yourselves and make him very welcome. He has written his own message…
Looking forward to joining you
Delana, Tuck, Olivia and I are so looking forward to coming and joining you. We’re surrounded by boxes here in Dorset as I write, and as we imagine those boxes being unpacked in our new home we’re expectant about all that God will do next. Delana and I met over fifteen years ago now, serving in community at Lee Abbey, a Christian conference centre in North Devon. When we came to Poole eight years ago, as I started my curacy, Tuck was three years old and Olivia just one. Now they’re about to begin school Years 7 and 4. As our family enters this next season we look forward to getting to know you and to hearing your stories of what God has been doing over these past years. We’re excited about partnering with you, praying, worshipping, serving, and we’re excited about discovering and celebrating together all that God will do to bring new life and growth in what comes next.
With love and prayers – see you soon and God bless you, Justin.
Date | Time | Service | |
6th October | 9.30am | Morning Prayer | Dave Brown |
13th October | 9.30am | Holy Communion | Rev. Justin Tomkins |
20th October | 6.00pm | Taize service with Toppesfield Choir | Rev. Chris Elliott |
27th October | 9.30am | Morning Prayer | Dave Brown |
3rd November | 9.30am | Morning Prayer | Dave Brown |
10th November | 10.45am | Remembrance Sunday | Sally Croft and Adrian Burr |
17th November | No service at Stambourne — please see notice board for other services in the Benefice | ||
24th November | 9.30am | Holy Communion | Rev. Liz Paxton |
22nd December | 4pm | CAROL SERVICE WITH THE HEDINGHAM SINGERS | Rev. Liz Paxton. Followed by refreshments |
25th December | 9.30am | CHRISTMAS DAY HOLY COMMUNION | Rev. Liz Paxton |
Val Kerrison, Churchwarden, 01440 785 752 or 07879 816 362
Colin Rawlinson, a resident of Stambourne for 54 years, sadly passed away on 28th August 2019. His wife Mary and daughter Louise would like to thank all those who have sent cards, messages of sympathy and flowers. They have been much appreciated.
Love, loss and remembering
Autumn has traditionally been a time when Christians explore the big questions about life and death. Watching the leaves fall and the nights draw in is an opportunity for all ages to think about love and loss and remember in special ways. Children ask questions about death for all kinds of reasons. It may come from seeing a local war memorial, or closer to home with the death of a pet.
Or maybe your child has lost a great-grandparent, grandparent, a family friend, a teacher, a neighbour, an aunt or uncle. For some children, the impact of loss has huge consequences, especially if it’s the death of a parent or a sibling. However and whenever those questions come, there are good ways to remember those we see no longer with family at home:
- Light a candle on important days and say a prayer. “Loving God, thank you for_________ and help us to remember them well.” This is a simple prayer to say together.
- Gather some items that remind you of that person – letters they wrote, photos of them, items of clothing – and keep them in a nice box. Children can add things to the box.
- Taking part in charities connected to the person who died; Race for Life is a family friendly event that can honour people who died from cancer, for example.
- Children can help taking care of a gravesite – pulling weeds, choosing flowers or other items to bring at special times, washing a memorial stone, etc.
The church also has ways of remembering those we love who have died. This happens at the start of November, at All Souls’ Day where we have a joint benefice service in St Peter’s Sible Hedingham. It is a special service where we invite people to add any names to a list and light a candle to remember them. A week later, at Remembrance Sunday, we remember those who died in wars, and pray for peace. The Remembrance service at Stambourne this year is on Sunday November 10th at 10.45.
If you have suffered loss yourself, and would like someone to speak to then please don’t hesitate to call Rev. Liz Paxton 01787 277270 or email
Rev. Liz Paxton, Rector
The Benefice of the Hedinghams and Upper Colne
07932 160 594 or 01787 277 270
28th July 2019 was a very special day for Dexter May, as we welcomed his Godparents, parents, family & friends to his Baptism at Stambourne Church. The service was conducted by Rev Liz Paxton and enjoyed by all those that attended.
News from the Chapel
First, thank you to everyone who came to our MS Trust event in August, to the Heritage Open day and to the Macmillan coffee morning in September! It is lovely to see the village supporting so many different charities. And at this time of year we think of the lovely autumn colours and the pending winter and wonder what we have to face in the coming months. Will it be another “beast from the East” as they are predicting? Or are we in for a warmer wetter winter? Well we won’t know until it has happened and that is how life is…. We can plan and predict, but we will never know what is going to happen, which is why we are told to live life to the full, making the most of every minute.
But that still leaves us loads of options such as living for ourselves or living to support those less fortunate. The Bible makes it clear which route we should take, and supporting charitable events is one way of doing just that. Another is doing what we see so much of in Stambourne – checking up on our neighbours and friends, looking out for them and helping them the best we can. It’s always good to hear that this is going on in the village all the time. If you would like a visit please do call!
And then when our time comes we can answer for all we have done, and know we have done our best in this life. Look forward to seeing you all at the October and November events and activities!
Every blessing,
Adrian Burr, Minister
For weddings and christenings call Adrian. For prayer or communion at home, or if you need support, call Adrian or one of the deacons – Jill or Bob Holmes 01440 709528, Danny Moores 01787 462377, or Elizabeth Tew.
Future events
Sat 19th | 10am – 12pm | Samaritan’s Purse Shoe Box | Packing day |
Sun 20th | 10.45am | Shoe Box Blessing Service |
Sun 10th | 10.45am | Remembrance Sunday | At the War Memorial |
Sat 16th | 6pm | Film Evening – God’s Not Dead 3 | With Sausage and Mash Supper |
Sat 30th | 10am – 2pm | Christmas Fayre |
December Christmas Day Lunch | If you know of anyone who would be alone or without any visitors this Christmas we would welcome them (singles or couples) to share a Christmas midday meal at the Chapel. We need to know numbers by the end of November please – contact one of the deacons above. This will include games and music! |
Sunday | 10.45am | Worship Service | |
Tuesday | 10am – 12pm | Coffee ’n’ Chat, I-Tea | (Computer help) |
Slipper Exchange | (Old for new) | ||
NOTE: 3rd December “COFFEE WITH COPS” | |||
Wednesday | 2 – 3pm | Otago | Exercises to help balance and core strength, in chairs or supported |
3.30 – 5pm | Prayer and Bible Study |

14th August — we took over the Pavilion and welcomed Steven Garner who showed us all how to capture a likeness on paper. A spectacular two course buffet and drinks were laid on by the members who enjoyed the evening as did several guests.
11th September — welcomed the return of Amanda Sutherland. Zoe and Sian laid on an impressive buffet and drinks for us all.
9th October — our friend and neighbour Richard Wright is coming along to share his knowledge of Constable; the settings for his paintings around Flatford and Dedham and his life. Drinks and a buffet will follow.
13th November — we have Rosie giving a Christmas themed “lolly stick craft workshop” where everyone will take home a handmade memento of the evening. A buffet with a choice of refreshments follows.
11th December — we welcome back Zoe giving a tasty demonstration of edible decorations to hang on our Christmas trees. A Christmas buffet and drinks will be served.
The first Wednesday of every month is book swap at Newlands, Chapel End Way from 10am to 12pm. Bring a cake along to show off your culinary skills if you dare!
Visit our Facebook page for more information or call Vicky (07778 410 376) or Lorna (01440 785 573).
Silver Link Club
Date | Time | Where | Cost | |
1st October | 2 – 4pm | Village Hall | £2.00 | Bring Small Raffle Prize |
15th October | 2 – 4pm | Village Hall | £2.00 | Bring Small Raffle Prize |
29th October | 2 – 4pm | Village Hall | £2.00 | Bring Small Raffle Prize |
12th November | Meet at 1.30pm | Village Hall | Going to Scotsdales | |
26th November | 2 – 4pm | Village Hall | £2.00 | Bring Small Raffle Prize |
10th December | White Horse, Ridgewell | Christmas Dinner |
Offer for Stambourne residents
My sister and I have been writing, illustrating and publishing books for our grandchildren for the last ten years. ‘Grandma Gets Kidnapped’ is our latest book and, like previous attempts, it is (very loosely) based in and around Stambourne.
If you would like a free copy (or copies) of ‘Grandma Gets Kidnapped’ for your children or grandchildren or friends, Alison at the Post Office has kindly accepted a pile of them and I hope you’ll pop in and pick one up.
Or if you prefer, leave me a message on 07951 771 466 and I’ll put one through your letter box.
Annette Zera

It has been suggested that villagers and their friends may be interested in Bingo at the Village Hall, perhaps once every 3-4 weeks.
What do you think? Would you be interested? If so please let Cath (01440 785 678) or Sian (07505 355 994) know.

A date for your diary — Scarecrow competition
The Village Hall Committee will be arranging a scarecrow competition over the 75th VE Day Celebration weekend so get your thinking caps on!!
More details will follow…

Stambourne Jumble Sale
Saturday, 2nd November 2019
2 – 4pm at The Stambourne Village Hall
Admission 50p Tea and coffee available All proceeds to charity.
Please contact Sian Davies-Hatton (07505 355 994) or Lesley Scolley (07889 745 180) for local pick-up / drop-off in advance. Or drop jumble off at the Stambourne Village Hall on the morning of the sale.

Christmas quiz + Grand Draw
Saturday, 30th November
7pm for 7.30pm start
Two Course Meal at half-time (Vegetarian Option Available)
Bring your own Tipple
Everyone is in a team (of 10-12) so it doesn’t matter if you are clever or not – just come along and have a laugh!
£10 per person; £7 under 11’s
To book ring Cath (01440 785 678) or Sian (07505 355 994)

Stambourne Newsletter
Ideas and contributions for the next newsletter to Karen Crago at or the post box at Tagley Farm by Wednesday, 27th November 2019.
Thank you.

Download the Stambourne Newsletter as PDF
This document is now available for download by clicking the link below:
Buy us a coffee! ☕

For over 15 years the Stambourne website has been entirely funded by one single person. Now we are asking for a small token donation, to keep things running smoothly. If you find value in our website and in what it offers, consider buying us a virtual coffee ☕
Use the button below to make a contribution, however small, to the upkeep and running costs. We would be immensely grateful for the support. Thank you! And cheers!
Click here for other ways to support the Stambourne website »
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