Stambourne Newsletter: August / September 2022

Digital version of the August-September 2022 Stambourne Newsletter, the bi-monthly printed newsletter published and distributed by Stambourne Parish Council – No: 269

The latest Stambourne Newsletter is now available. Read all about the Parish Council, news from Stambourne Chapel and Stambourne Church, activities in Stambourne and more.

Stambourne newsletter August- September 2022

Stambourne newsletter August- September 2022


Hopefully you have all been able to stay cool in the continuing hot weather. The latest meeting of the Parish Council took place on Thursday, 21st July at the Village Hall. Our Braintree District Councillor, Richard van Dulken was present.


It is good to see the Pavilion being used through the summer.

Since the refurbishment it has become increasingly popular to use for events. If you would like to book the Pavilion, please contact me with the date. We ask for a minimum donation of £20 to use the Pavilion and all proceeds are put back into maintaining it.

Playing Field

It continues to be well used, particularly through the summer holiday. Thank you to Michael Turner for continuing to cut the grass and keeping it tidy.


We are aware of areas where the tarmac has lifted, probably due to the hot weather. Any highways issues can be reported to Essex County Council on and follow the links.


Thank you to those of you who regularly use the footpaths and keep me advised of any problems. If you do come across an issue, please let me know, any photos you can take are always helpful.

Parish Council Meeting Dates 2022
• 22nd September 2022
• 23rd November 2022 (Wednesday)

All are Thursdays at 7.30pm in the Village Hall unless shown otherwise.

More details may be found here »

Full minutes are available on the village website:

Debbie Hilliard, Parish Clerk, 01440 785 629

Stambourne newsletter August – September 2022

Stambourne newsletter August – September 2022


Cream teas at Stambourne Church

A big THANK YOU to those who came along to the cream teas on 16th July 2022.

We didn’t have to worry about rain this time as a very warm and sunny afternoon was the order of the day!

Also thank you to the small band of helpers who gave up their Saturday afternoon.  

Stambourne newsletter August- September 2022


7th August9.30amMorning PrayerDave Brown
14th August9.30amHoly CommunionRev. Liz Paxton and Rev. Caroline
28th August9.30amBaptismRev. Liz Paxton and Rev. Caroline
4th September9.30amMorning PrayerNick Ellis
11th September9.30amHoly CommunionRev. Liz Paxton and Rev. Caroline
2nd October9.30amHarvest FestivalDave Brown
9th October9.30amHoly CommunionRev. Caroline

Val Kerrison, Churchwarden, 01440 785 752 or 07879 816 362

Stambourne newsletter August – September 2022



Earlier this year I went on a pilgrimage, known as St Cuthbert’s Way, which stretches from Melrose Abbey in Scotland to the Holy Island of Lindisfarne.

It was a beautiful, challenging, inspiring 66 miles through some of the most beautiful countryside and sea I have ever seen.

As great as that physical experience was, however, it was not as significant as the mental and emotional journey I was making at the same time. Time and space to reflect on my life, the past, the present and the future. I am of a certain age that plans for retirement are fast approaching, and I have certainly lived ‘most’ of my life already. Made choices, good and bad, had experiences, good and bad, and met hundreds of people that have shaped me (all good, obviously).

It seems like a good time for a review – not exactly out of Covid-times but learning a new way of socialising, working, having fun and being a priestly presence in the community. It seems like we are all rather unsettled. We are tentative in making plans, and it’s not just Covid, it’s everything!

The economy, NHS queues, lack of political leadership, holiday travel chaos and everything else. The media is full of ‘woke’ and ‘cancelled’ and ‘gender’ issues – where can we find solid ground? Meaningful life? Learn to appreciate life and each other?

For me, the answer is easy as I am a firm believer in certain everlasting foundations – love, hope, faith (but the greatest of these is love) and my foundation is based on the Bible, but especially the relationship I have with Jesus. I do believe many people would like to get away from all the nonsense in the media and start a journey to find Truth. Is that you? Wouldn’t that be more interesting than the latest Netflix fantasy? Real life is so much more interesting and challenging than watching others live it on a screen. In the Bible, Jesus says:

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10 – what do you think that means? Living life to the full?

This autumn I am planning to run a few sessions talking about truth, justice, identity and relationships. If you are interested then let me know and come and share the conversation.  No charge, no commitment, no previous knowledge or experience – just questions answered and  stories shared. Let me know if you would like to come and we will look for a regular time and day that suits most people.


Rev. Liz Paxton, Rector

The Benefice of the Hedinghams and Upper Colne
07932 160 594 or 01787 277 270


News from the Chapel

Light through the clouds

Our August newsletter featured dark clouds gathering in the distance and sometimes we can feel that is what is happening.

Keep praying for the light to burst through not that life becomes easier for us, but that the burden is lifted from those who are currently under heavy pressure, financially, under persecution, through war, through the difficulties of the effects of climate change, be that famine, fire or flood. Most in our country, though we may face changed circumstances, may have resources sufficient to last a while, but for everyone there comes a time when we have nowhere to turn to, and often that is the time we turn to prayer, whether we know who we pray to or not.

At Chapel we intend to continue to provide the opportunity for people to just turn up on a Tuesday or Thursday morning and chat over a cuppa or pray, and on Tuesday evening the band practices and that is an opportunity to come and listen and reflect on what we see and hear.

It has been interesting to hear the media back tracking on things like President Putin’s health and the progress of the Ukraine war, and we have to be continually reminded that truth is sometimes hard to find. We say we learn from our mistakes, but often history seems to repeat itself and we don’t learn, but make bigger and more deadly mistakes. Climate change and war seem to have changed the world we live in.

Join me and the Chapel to pray for our world situation and all that is happening or if you would like our weekly prayer guide please let me know.

Every blessing,

Adrian Burr, Minister

Stambourne newsletter August – September 2022


SundaySunday Services
10.45am in the Chapel. but if you can’t come and would like a printed version we will be happy to deliver or email a copy each week.
Tuesday & ThursdayCoffee morning
10am – 12pm. The Chapel is open for a chat and coffee and for a time of private chat and for prayer.
Tuesday eveningBand practice
From 7.30pm our band practices their songs. You are welcome to come along and listen or sing along with us.
WednesdayWednesday Club
10am – 2.30pm. For people with learning disabilities.

EVENTS for August and September

Sunday, 21st AugustAnniversary Celebration of 180 years of Chapel
10.45am. Our speaker is Ray Rhodes. He is the author of Susie: The Life and Legacy of Susannah Spurgeon and Yours, till Heaven: The Untold Love Story of Charles and Susie Spurgeon both from Moody Publishers. He hails from Grace Community Church of North Georgia, USA.
Sunday, 25th SeptemberHarvest celebration 
10.45am at the Chapel, when surely all will be safely gathered, stored and processed as Harvest has come early again this year!


Stambourne Chapel Care still offers friendship, support through life changing situations and transport/collection services.

Call Jill Holmes on 07883 423 528, or email at

Adrian Burr, Minister,, 07983 656 166
Margaret Mead, Secretary & prayer request,, 07561 283 587
Jill Holmes, Project Lead & Stambourne Chapel Care, stambournechapelcare@gmail.com07883 423 528

Find us on Facebook: Stambourne Chapel or Stambourne Chapel Care


We’re back — save these dates!

If you’d like to know more than please visit the Stambourne Ladies Group section or contact Vicky on 07908 099 904 or Lorna on 07980 922 636.

Stambourne Ladies Group

Life and Death in a Victorian Gaol »

  • 10th August 2022 – 7pm for 7.30pm at The Village Hall
  • Open to all. £3 for non-members

Buffet provided courtesy of SLG.

Life and Death in a Victorian Gaol

Reminiscences of a Stansted Customs Officer »

  • 14th September 2022 – 7pm for 7.30pm at The Village Hall
  • Open to all. £3 for non-members

Buffet provided courtesy of SLG.

Knit & Natter Club »

  • Every other Thursday — 5pm – 7pm. We are trying out different venues — get in touch to find out where we’ll be meeting next. More info »
  • Get crafty with knitting, crochet, embroidery, sewing, quilting and more!
  • Bring along your projects, share ideas and tips, get inspired or just come for a chat. Everyone welcome!
Knit & Natter Club

Stambourne newsletter August – September 2022


Village Hall available for hire »

Hiring Fees, including heating and electricity:

  • For residents: £8 per hour
  • For non-residents: £10 per hour

To hire the Village Hall, contact Rosemary Horton on 01440 785 339. More info »

Don’t forget you can use the Village Hall for your celebrations or clubs. If it’s not used there is a risk of this great amenity being lost.

Stambourne Village Hall

Stained glass class »

Stained glass class: a fantastic workshop to create your very own stained glass honeycomb!

  • Saturday, 13th August 2022
  • 10am – 3pm: 5 hours of tuition
  • All materials and designs provided
  • Teas and snacks included
  • £50 per person

BOOKING ESSENTIAL. Ring 07707 507 880 to book your place!

Stambourne Newsletter

Ideas and contributions for the next newsletter to Karen Crago at or the post box at Tagley Farm by Friday, 30th September 2022.

In the meantime you can find up to date local news on and on Facebook.

Thank you.

Stambourne Newsletter

Download the Stambourne Newsletter as PDF

This document is now available for download by clicking the link below:

Buy us a coffee! ☕

Support the Stambourne Village website

For over 15 years the Stambourne website has been entirely funded by one single person. Now we are asking for a small token donation, to keep things running smoothly. If you find value in our website and in what it offers, consider buying us a virtual coffee

Use the button below to make a contribution, however small, to the upkeep and running costs. We would be immensely grateful for the support. Thank you! And cheers!

Click here for other ways to support the Stambourne website »

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